Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Big News!

We are so excited to announce that Griffen will be a big brother in May. As you can tell from the picture, he is excited too!

It was so fun to surprise Scott this time with the news. I had ordered a "big brother" shirt for Griffen a month or so ago in hopes that he would need it this fall (if we became pregnant). I had gotten home from my parent's house that morning and had forgotten to stop by the store to get a pregnancy test. By that afternoon, I was stomping at the bits to know before Scott got home. I threw Griffen in the car and rushed to the store to get a test.

Funny side note about buying the test...I searched the pharmacy for the test, with Griffen on my hip, for what seemed like 10 minutes. I couldn't find them anywhere! Finally, I sucked up my pride and asked the pharmacist. Before she answered she blatantly looked at my sweet baby on my hip (I'm sure thinking, "you're a nut if you're already pregnant again") and then directed me to the right aisle.

I rushed home to take the test not really even sure of the outcome. After a few minutes, there was definitely 2 lines. I proceeded to put the big brother shirt on Griffen and make a quick video of the moment. I'll post this later. After what seemed like forever, when in reality it was probably only 30 minutes, I see Scott come around the corner of our apartment through the window...I rush to put Griffen in his crib and turn on his mobile. All the while telling myself to breathe! Scott walks in the door and I give him a kiss and he immediately asks where Griffen is. I told him he's hanging out in his crib and to go get him. I followed Scott into the nursery with the video camera just as he was about to pick up Griffen but stops short. He looks at me with a look of shock and tears in his eyes. It was priceless! So glad I was able to surprise him with this exciting news!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Our Little Crawler

Our little man turns nine months old today. Boy time sure has flown by! He officially started crawling yesterday. He had been trying for quite some time. He would crawl 2-3 times and then fall on his tummy and then roll wherever he wanted. This weekend Scott put our coffee table under our entertainment center (yes, it sounds odd but it really isn't as bad and tacky as it sounds), that must have been all the motivation Griffen needed because he now realizes he has the whole living room to crawl and he loves it! He has been from one of the living room to the other end of the dining room (the perk of having an apartment, less space to get in trouble in).

Just an update: he loves to clap! All you have to say is "yeah, Griffen" and he starts to clap and say what I think sounds like "yeah!" Too cute. He weighs around 23ish pounds. He is growing like weed it seems. He still wears 9 month clothes but I'm sure that will change in about a week or two. He has just started cutting tooth number 5. Bless his heart because as soon as a tooth comes through, a cold and earache as sure to follow soon. So sad! He still takes a bottle 4 times a day and then eats veggies/fruit 3 times a day. He is a great eater, though he's just now getting to that stage where he's wanting to feed himself more and more so I'm having to get creative on finger foods. He thrives on his naps. Bless his heart he's not a happy boy when he's overtired. Thankfully he naps really well, when he's not sick that is. :-) He loves being around other kids whether babies or older kids. They always make him smile. He's such a joy and a blessing to us everday! So fun to see him learning and discovering new things everyday.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My New Reality

I was thinking today..."What does my new reality of being a stay at home mom consist of?"

For starters, it no longer consists of having to get up at 5:30 am to hurry and get ready so I can get my baby up at 6:15 so I can be out the door at 7:00. It does not mean having to turn Griffen over to someone else everyday. It does not mean having to miss out on all the little smiles and slobbery kisses throughout the day from my little man.

What it does consist of is lots of peace knowing that God has given me this opportunity for this year (who knows how long financially we can do this) to enjoy every minute I have with our sweet baby. It means that I get to make dinner for our family and enjoy time together at night with Scott without having to run around and get things ready for school. It means that I get to read a book just for the sake of enjoyment, not the latest book study at school. It means I get to spend time with friends during the day and just lean on each other about the ups and downs of being a mom. It means that Griffen and I get to take random trips Target and Hobby Lobby for no reason at all. It means that I get to cuddle him and read "Brown Bear" as many times as we want throughout the day.----I want to cherish every moment that I have this year because I know so many that don't have this opportunity. I want to savor the little things about each day.

No, I'm not saying it's "puppy dogs and rainbows" everyday. Yes, there are the days that if I have to change another diaper or clean up one more mess I'll scream. But I know that, without any doubt, God has given me this time to rest in Him this year and see where He wants to lead me and our family. So for today, I choose to rest in Him knowing that He can provide all I need.
Besides, who could resist this face everyday?!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


This is the first time I have posted on a blog and thought today would be a good day. I thought I would share my perspective from three years ago today - the day I proposed.

There isn't much that I can keep secret. She knew that this was going to happen, the trick was when. She was always asking questions and trying to hint around when the proposal would take place. I am creative in a lot of ways, but I had no idea how to propose. I knew that once the ring was in my possession, I would have to act fast. I got the ring two days before during my school lunch break. I had about 48 hours to work it out.

Saturday night, three years ago, I took Rebecca to Pappadeaux for some "manna from heaven" (Rebecca's no longer served salad that she LOVED) and even dodged an attempt by the waitress to give away my surprise - "are we celebrating anything special tonight?" "No," I replied trying to play cool but thought I was failing miserably.

After dinner, we went to the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens. As we walked around, I scoped out the place to find the perfect spot. I brought my camera to "take a picture", but was going to video record the proposal. We found a great spot at the lowest part of the rose garden. I was ready to go when a man walked by without a shirt. "Uhm, Rebecca, don't mind the guy without a shirt. Marry me?" No, way, not gonna happen.

So we moved to another spot by a bench in the rose garden. We were in postion for the second time when I realized that a couple was laying on top of each other making out a few yards away. I was quickly losing hope because it was warm and the sun was going down, but we giggled about it and moved on.

She was ready to leave but I said, "How about one last picture overlooking the rose garden?" I placed the on a pillar, set the camera to "timer" but was actually recording and proposed. She couldn't believe it and actually thought I was playing. The video didn't have sound, but her face said it all.

It worked out better than I could have planned and we went to my parents to take pictures, where her parents were waiting too. What a great day!

Rebecca Diane, I love you and am grateful that God placed you in my life. I am one lucky guy!

Love, Scott

Friday, September 3, 2010

Candid camera at 8 a.m.

Couldn't resist taking a few pics of this cute little man right as he got up this morning. Seriously, what does he do at night that causes his hair to look like this in the morning?! Gotta love that sweet face.